Greetings, World Changers!

This is Windee World and Dr. Living Stone with some great information to help you "get global" with God's plan for your life! The links above will connect you to 4 fabulous choices to help you connect with God's heart for the nations and to learn how YOU fit in to God's plan to tell all people everywhere about His love for them. Maybe God wants you to be a missionary - someone who goes to people from another culture to tell them about Jesus. Maybe God wants you to be a Bible translator to give a group of people the Word of God in a language they can understand. Maybe God wants you to pray for countries or people somewhere in the world to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Maybe God wants you to give money to send others as missionaries around the world to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Whatever God may call you to do, He has already gifted you and equipped you to do exactly what He knows you will do best (Acts 1:8; Romans 11:29; Ephesians 2:10). So, enjoy the ride, and experience all the adventure that God has for you as you follow His plan for your life to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel." (Mark 16:15) Be part of all the fun and excitement of exploring how YOU can light up the world with God's Word!
Explore the links to the missions teaching above, follow the kids' instructions, and earn a "World Changer Kid" certificate!
Yours for all the world to know Jesus,
Windee World and Dr. Living Stone